Food & Beverage
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Showing 145–166 of 166 results
French Roast – Medium [almost Dark] Roast
$17.00 – $21.00 Glory Cloud Coffee RoastersSparks, Nevada
Award Winning Sea Salt Caramels
$22.00 – $42.00 Dorinda's ChocolatesReno, Nevada
Sugar Free Almond Clusters
$10.75 – $50.00 Chocolate ShoppeGardnerville, Nevada
Blair Olive Oil Bottled in Nevada
$27.00 – $30.00 Blair Extra Virgin Olive Oil Bottled in NevadaReno, Nevada
Raw Honey 3 oz. Glass Jar
$3.99 Al Bees Sierra Nevada HoneyReno, Nevada
Gin & Tonic Kit
$59.00 High Desert BotanicalsCarson City, Nevada
Costa Rica Tarrazu Coffee
$23.00 Wood-Fire Roasted Coffee CompanyReno, Nevada
$11.25 – $40.00 Chocolate ShoppeGardnerville, Nevada
Distilled Limoncello Pepper
$14.95 Distilled SpicesHENDERSON, Nevada
Better Than Twix Barz
$3.95 Chocolate ShoppeGardnerville, Nevada
Soup Starter
$12.00 The Radish HotelSparks, Nevada
Coconut Clusters
$8.75 – $32.00 Chocolate ShoppeGardnerville, Nevada
Jam (8oz)
$9.00 The Radish HotelSparks, Nevada
Nuts and Chews
$24.50 – $39.50 Chocolate ShoppeGardnerville, Nevada
Sugar Free Sea Salted Caramels
$16.75 – $32.50 Chocolate ShoppeGardnerville, Nevada
American Espresso Coffee
$23.00 Wood-Fire Roasted Coffee CompanyReno, Nevada
Small Woven Made in Nevada Basket
$65.00 Made in Nevada - Gift BasketsReno, NV
62% Almond Tasting Bar
$10.00 Dorinda's ChocolatesReno, Nevada
Sugar Free Peanut Clusters
$9.75 – $42.00 Chocolate ShoppeGardnerville, Nevada
Sugar-Free Butter Almond Toffee
$12.25 – $58.00 Chocolate ShoppeGardnerville, Nevada
70% Sea Salt Tasting Bar
$10.00 Dorinda's ChocolatesReno, Nevada